Archival: It does not matter what business you are in or how many employees you have, if you are not archiving, you are at RISK!! Move less often accessed data out of your database and improve the application latency. Data growth impacts application performance, will increase prices and creates compliance issues.
With every new transaction inactive data grows putting additional pressure on application performance and accessibility. Compliance considerations might arise, data replication and disaster recovery all run slower creating on-line users wait longer.
With a technical team providing end-to-end information Technology solutions for medium and huge business enterprises.
Managers spend more time finding information than using it, causing colossal productivity cost for the enterprise. Companies have woken up to this fact and have introduced a system of archival and on-demand retrieval of critical data (emails, presentations and even rich media files). Get archival solutions as simple as possible with a click of the mouse through Cloud Ace Data solutions.
Managing data securely is a business necessity, ensuring one can be up and running in no time in case of an emergency. Cloud Ace Data Devices is in the business of providing data backup, archival, storage and disaster recovery solutions. To seamlessly manage, protect and recover mission critical data quickly and with integrity, offering a variety of advantages over competition.
At Cloud ACE, our mantra to engineered customer loyalty is through timely and economical service. Understanding the demands of the company world and our ever-ready perspective has won us several prestigious projects.
Over a decade, we’ve got built a loyal client base that relies on managing their information technology solutions. Associating with the simplest in IT majors in India; we attempt to bring the best-of-breed solutions that meet the immediate and future needs of our clients.
Our long association with leading IT firms like IBM, HP and Acer has provided us with a wonderful technical and client orientation that’s arduous to find in this city.